Information Bank
Find all the documents you need about IYIFX here
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How do I start trading?
Which documents do I need to provide to become an IYIFX client?
How do I top up the virtual funds in my Demo account?
How do I update the personal information associated with my Real account?
How do you protect my personal information?
How long does IYIFX store my personal information for?
What should I do if my account has been compromised?
Why do I need to submit documents to verify my account?
If I already have a verified account, do I need to resubmit my documents to open an additional one?
What is the minimum I can deposit or withdraw?
Information Bank
Find all the documents you need about IYIFX here
How do I start trading?
Which documents do I need to provide to become an IYIFX client?
How do I top up the virtual funds in my Demo account?
How do I update the personal information associated with my Real account?
How do you protect my personal information?
How long does IYIFX store my personal information for?
What should I do if my account has been compromised?
Why do I need to submit documents to verify my account?
If I already have a verified account, do I need to resubmit my documents to open an additional one?
What is the minimum I can deposit or withdraw?